Thanks for purchasing our products at operated by Nitrix Global Limited.

In order to be eligible for a refund, you have to return the product within 14 calendar days of your purchase. The product must be in the same condition that you receive it and not damaged in any way. After we receive your item, our team of professionals will inspect it and process your refund. The money will be refunded to the original payment method you have used during the purchase. For credit card payments it may take 5 to 10 business days for a refund to show up on your credit card statement.

If the product is damaged in any way due to negligence on your part, or you have initiated the return after 14 calendar days have passed, you may not be eligible for a refund. However, we will do our best to accommodate your request and help you with any issues to do with your PC.

If a return has been damaged due to negligence on your part you may be responsible for postage fees as well as incur a fee based on the extent of the damages. This fee will be subtracted from the refund amount due. For any items worth over £100, we recommend you return it to us with insured shipping.

If anything is unclear or you have more questions feel free to contact our customer support team.

To open a return please open a return request from your account or email us on [email protected]